Frequently Used NGS ProtocolsSingle Cell Sequencing Protocols
Single Cell Sequencing
We perform both, plate based and microfluidic device based single cell experiments. If you are interested in these applications please contact us and we will organize an online counseling to discuss the details and requirements. After the initial meeting you need to plan with around 4 weeks lead time to set up the appointment date for your experiment. We accept fresh single cell or single nuclei suspensions. These suspensions need to be prepared by you. We do not offer cell or nuclei extraction (only exception are frozen PBMCs). Multiplexing and fixation options can be discussed in the counseling.
Spatial Transcriptomics
Spatial transcriptomics is possible for fresh frozen and FFPE tissue. The CCG has acquired a CytAssist instrument. Running Visium HD slides is now also possible. Please contact us if you are interested in these applications and we can setup a meeting to discuss the experimental details for your project. Sectioning of tissue samples and placement of sections on the slides needs to be done on your side. We can take over for H&E staining, imaging, library preparation and sequencing.
General information
Quotes and pricing information can be provided upon request. Please contact ccg-singlecell to inquire about cost for a specific experiment or to request a quote (pdf format).