Frequently Used NGS ProtocolsRNA Based Protocols
3´mRNA Sequencing
Only the 3´end of the transcripts is covered by this protocol. Sequencing read length is 1x50bp (single read). The data can be used for differential gene expression analysis. We recommend to use RNA samples with RIN>7. FFPE samples can be processed with this protocol as well, but data quality will depend on sample quality.
mRNA Sequencing
For bulk mRNA sequencing with Poly A selection the standard sequencing read length is 2x100bp. We recommend to use RNA samples with RIN>7. Samples with low quality cannot be processed.
Total RNA-Seq
Total RNA sequencing with ribo-depletion is possible for a limited number of species beside human, mouse and rat. Please contact us, and we will let you know which options are available for your species. The standard sequencing read length is 2x100bp. We recommend to use RNA samples with RIN>7. Samples with low quality cannot be processed.
Small RNA Sequencing
Make sure to use an isolation kit which retains the small RNA fraction. We can use either total RNA (recommended) or enriched small RNA fraction as input for library preparation. Please contact us if you are interested in this application.
Long-read RNA sequencing
Long-read RNA protocols can be used for full-length isoform sequencing and detection of novel transcripts. We use different protocols for cDNA and direct RNA sequencing. All protocols are based on Poly A selection. Please contact us if you are interested in this application.
General information
Quotes and pricing information can be provided upon request. Please contact ccg-rna to inquire about cost for a specific experiment or to request a quote (pdf format).