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Sample requirements

General considerations

For most application it is mandatory, that you at least provide information about volume and concentration of your samples. If your samples exceed the max. concentration specified, dilute the samples to the given concentration range.

Provide any additional information on your samples (gel picture, Bioanalyzer report etc.) by uploading respective files during the online submission.

We usually ask for more material than is used as input in the library preparation to account for discrepancies in sample concentration, QC measurements and backup material for repeats. If your samples don´t meet all requirements, nevertheless complete your submission and contact us. We will come back to you with possible low input protocol options.

Most short-read protocols are somewhat tolerant for lower OD values. Therefore, we usually accept samples with lower OD values. Still, low 260/280 and 260/230 OD values can indicate contamination that potentially can inhibit library preparation and sequencing. When submitting samples with suboptimal OD values be aware that this may affect performance of your samples.

Once you received our confirmation, that the sample submission is approved, you can bring your samples to CCG. This is possible Monday-Friday from 9 am to 1 pm. Make sure that your samples are either in 1.5ml save-lock tubes or 96-well plates and labeled with the CCG IDs received at the end of the online submission.

We do not accept PCR stripes. Use 96-well plates when submitting more than 48 samples and make sure to normalize samples to the same volume and concentration. Make also sure to properly seal plates with foil that does not get detached during transport or freezing/thawing. Plates and foil can be provided by CCG upon request. In 96-well plates samples must be ordered in columns (sample 1 in well A1, sample 2 in B1, sample 3 in C1 and so on) and not in rows (A1, A2, A3…).

Samples can also be sent to CCG. We recommend to use a courier. Send RNA samples and all plates on dry ice. Other samples can be sent on RT or with cool pads. Do not use water ice for transport. Do not wrap tubes in parafilm. Make sure to properly pack tubes in small bags or boxes inside the shipping box. Give us a short notice on the day of the actual shipment.

Once your samples have been received you will get a confirmation per mail.

Indicate your order ID in inquiries regarding your samples.


Regarding all DNA based NGS workflows please contact:

Regarding all RNA based NGS workflows please contact:

Regarding all single cell/ spacial transcriptomics workflows please contact: