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+++ August 12, 2024 – The online portal for NGS sample submission at CCG will be launched – please note these important changes when planning your next submission +++

How to submit samples

Sample submission is now possible through our LIMS online portal.

Important changes

  • Your sample tubes/plates need to be labeled with the sample IDs provided by the CCG. You will receive these IDs at the end of the online submission process. Samples that are not labeled with our CCG IDs will not be accepted!
  • You will need a “quotation number” before you can submit samples through our new online system. Contact us by mail/phone to clarify all parameters of your sequencing project and to receive a quotation number before you start your submission.

After successful registration, log in and start your sample submission under the "Ordering process" tab. The first time order information guide will help you navigate the LIMS system.


Regarding all DNA based NGS workflows please contact:

Regarding all RNA based NGS workflows please contact:

Regarding all single cell/ spacial transcriptomics workflows please contact: